Access from Umekoji-Kyotonishi station

When traveling on foot

Location Kankijicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto
Time required Approximately 2 minutes on foot

Access from Kyoto station

When traveling on foot

Time required Approximately 20 minutes on foot to the west from the central gate of JR Kyoto Station

When traveling by bus

1. To the Kyoto Station bus stop
Passengers using a city bus [B3 bus stop]
  • Approximately 10 minutes on bus route 205 or 208. Get off at Umekoji Koen/JR Umekoji-Kyotonishi-eki-mae bus stop and walk for approximately 3 minutes.
  • Approximately 10 minutes on rapid bus route, 104, or 110, or bus route 86* or 88*. Get off at Umekoji-koen/Kyoto Railway Museum-mae bus stop.
  • Operates on weekends and holidays
Passengers using a Keihan Kyoto Kotsu Bus [C2 bus stop]

Approximately 10 minutes on bus route 2, 14, 15*, 26, 26B, or 28A. Get off at Umekoji Koen/JR Umekoji-Kyotonishi-eki-mae bus stop and walk for approximately 3 minutes.

  • Operates on weekends and holidays
Bus stop at the north exit of Kyoto Station
2. Walking to the Kyoto Railway Museum after getting off the bus
Getting off at Umekoji Koen/JR Umekoji-Kyotonishi-eki-mae bus stop

After getting off the bus at Umekoji Koen/JR Umekoji-Kyotonishi-eki-mae, you will see Umekoji park on your left. Pass under the overpass on your right to enter through the Entrance Hall.

Getting off at Umekoji-koen/Kyoto Railway Museum-mae bus stop

You will see the Entrance Hall immediately adjacent to the park. You may enter from here.

Vicinity map of the museum